Hi Five Multi Sport Class
Facebook Group
Sat 29 Sep 2018 - Sat 17 Nov 2018
8 weeks of fun, physical activity and motor skills development!
The [Link http://www.hifivesportsclubs.com/north_atl_multi_sport/ Hi-Five Multi-Sport class] serves as an introduction to some of the most popular sports in the world.
Starting on
Saturday 29th September at
DeSana Middle School, this class gives boys and girls ages
3-5 years in North Atlanta the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of each game through various drills and training elements, specifically designed for young players.
Because it's so important to keep this age group engaged, Hi Five will introduce a NEW team sport every 2 weeks over the 8 week period. Sports covered will include T-Ball, Flag Football and Soccer.
While this program focuses on player development and the overall understanding of each sport, it most importantly stresses
FUN! Hi-Five’s ultimate goal is to help each child build strong physical, intellectual and emotional foundations that will help them succeed on and off of the field.
When: Saturday 29th September to Saturday 17th November 2018, 9 - 10am
Where: DeSana Middle School, 625 James Rd, Alpharetta, GA 30004
Price: $169 for 8 weeks
For more information or to book your child's place, visit the [Link http://www.hifivesportsclubs.com/north_atl_multi_sport/ website here].
[Link https://www.facebook.com/HIFIVEATL Follow Hi Five on Facebook here] for more awesome programs in N. ATL for Pre-k to 8th!
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[INTRO Starting on Saturday 29th September at DeSana Middle School, this class gives boys and girls ages 3-5 years in North Atlanta the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of each game through various drills and training elements, specifically designed for young players.]
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