In & Out Pediatrics Video Visits
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Taking your child to a clinic appointment isn’t always easy, so why not schedule a Video Visit?
When you need to take your child to the clinic for a follow-up appointment or minor urgent care,
In & Out Pediatrics are thrilled to offer you a totally convenient, secure Video Visit!
In & Out Pediatrics provide virtual visits for all children in Georgia aged up to 21 years. While they love it when you visit their office, they understand it’s not always easy to find a sitter for other children or take time off work to attend appointments.
A Video Visit for your child provides access to the same quality care as you receive in the clinic and are appropriate for various types of appointments, especially minor urgent care.
These appointments are also great for medication questions and lab test results, making them a convenient alternative to a clinic visit.
Video Visits are easy to schedule [link online], are charged the same as an in-person visit and are totally secure using bank-grade encryption.
You can learn more in the below video:
Just some of the conditions that In & Out Pediatrics treat using their Video Visit platform include:
Pink Eye
Sinus Infection
Mild allergic reactions
Mild asthma exacerbations
Swimmers Ear
Skin Infections
Vomiting & Diarrhea
General Questions for the Practitioner
Feel free to request a video visit right
here! For more information, see the
website .
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[INTRO When you need to take your child to the clinic for a follow-up appointment or minor urgent care, In & Out Pediatrics are thrilled to offer you a totally convenient, secure Video Visit!]
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